You may have missed Giving Day, but you can still give!
In Honor of Barbara Patterson

Barbara Patterson embodies the TROY spirit and was dedicated to the students and organizations she served while working in the Office of Student Involvement and Leadership. After 38 wonderful years of service, she retired in July of this year. The Barbara Patterson Endowed Scholarship for Student Involvement has been established in her honor for her dedication to Troy University. This scholarship will support our student leaders who are members of the Student Government Association (SGA), National Panhellenic Council (NPC). National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), Interfraternity Council (IFC), or University Activities Council (UAC). Barbara Patterson guided and supported student leaders, implemented initiatives that improved student life, and fostered a community. Her efforts helped our students become leaders on campus, paving the way for success after TROY.


Join us in honoring Ms. Patterson’s legacy with a gift to the Barbara Patterson Endowed Scholarship for Student Involvement.

Alumni Board Challenge
The Troy University Alumni Board President, Rosemary Elebash, has challenged the board to have 100% participation during the 2024 Giving Day.
16 / 16 Gifts
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1 AL 5
2 IN 1
2 TX 1
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